Bend Matrix [Effect Pedal]

Connect/disconnect glitch points within an external circuit-bent device (two separate 4x4 matrices or one single 4x8 matrix). Connect/disconnect/route audio inputs into multiple outputs (4 inputs=>8 outputs or 8=>4). Act as a patch matrix for modular synthesizers, or other CV/signal routing. Store up to 128 "patches" in memory (memory is held even when power is disconnected). Sequence the 128 stored patches at specified BPM (2 - 2000 BPM). Generate random patches. Apply effects to the current patch (or sequence of patches) using analog controls: randomization, arpeggiation, strobing, gloobing. Inputs MIDI note/CC commands, so you can program your patches and sequences using standard MIDI gear. Outputs MIDI note/CC commands, so you can use the Bend Matrix to sync up to other MIDI gear (video effects, etc...).




  • 9VDC powersupply included (120/240V)
  • 2mm Aluminum panel 12" x 10" on aluminum box (2" tall)

